F. Konrad GmbH, Maler-Bodenleger-Sonnenschutztechnik

Fährenweg 1
8473 Weitersfeld an der Mur

Telefon: +4334722167
Fax: +433472216725
E-Mail: office@malerkonrad.at


We under­stand ‘sunlight design’ to mean crea­ting a comfor­table, plea­sant envi­ron­ment for users of our products and services. The exper­tise of our employees, deve­l­oped over decades, enables us to design intel­li­gent, leading-edge solu­tions which both enhance our cust­o­m­ers’ quality of life and increase the energy effi­ci­ency, and the value, of their buil­dings.

The quality of our products is both an expres­sion and the outcome of the rela­ti­ons­hips among our cust­o­mers, employees and supp­liers. This is what creates that ‘extra’ in quality and service that we demand from our part­ners, and against which our employees measure them­selves every single day. This combi­na­tion makes us unique, and is firmly anchored in our poli­cies and our mindset, which is based on fair­ness and balance.